Registration of the senseBox:edu as :home on openSenseMap

Register your senseBox now at openSenseMap to collect environmental data and make it available to a community of researchers and tinkerers, and help to measure the environment. Become part of one of the biggest citizenScience movements worldwide!

The openSenseMap is a portal where people worldwide upload measurement data of their senseBoxes or other measuring stations. These data are used by individuals, but also by researchers, for scientific purposes. You should therefore only register the senseBox:edu on the oSeM if you want to upload data in the longer term and present these real environmental measurements and are not falsified for experimental purposes. If you still want to register your senseBox: edu, you simply have to enter it as senseBox:home-v2.

You do not even know what the openSenseMap is? Then check it out, go to and discover a huge pool of open-data with nearly a billion measurements worldwide!

You have already seen the openSenseMap? - What are you waiting for? Now go to the openSenseMap and register your senseBox to upload, view and process measurements.

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