Traffic Light

It should be simulated a traffic light. With a button you can switch the traffic light.


  • senseBox MCU
  • red LED
  • yellow LED
  • green LED
  • 3x 470Ω resistance
  • Button
  • 10kΩ (10000Ω) resistance
  • 2x senseBox JST adapter cable


Hardware Configuration

To connect all components you need two JST adapter cables. The first is connected to Digital A (digital pins 1 and 2), the second to Digital B (digital pins 3 and 4). On the cable in Digital A the red and the yellow LED are connected, on the cable in Digital B the green LED and the button.

Wiring the traffic light circuit
Wiring the traffic light circuit


Arduino Source Code

int rot = 1;
int gelb = 2;
int gruen = 3;

int button = 4;

void setup() {
 pinMode(rot, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(gelb, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(gruen, OUTPUT);

 // The button should measure inputs
 pinMode(button, INPUT);

 // First set the traffic light to RED
 digitalWrite(rot, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(gelb, LOW);
 digitalWrite(gruen, LOW);

void loop() {

 // Here it is checked if the button is pressed
 if(digitalRead(button) == HIGH) {


   // ROT zu GRUEN
   digitalWrite(rot, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(gelb, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(gruen, LOW);


   digitalWrite(rot, LOW);
   digitalWrite(gelb, LOW);
   digitalWrite(gruen, HIGH);


   // green to red
   digitalWrite(rot, LOW);
   digitalWrite(gelb, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(gruen, LOW);


   digitalWrite(rot, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(gelb, LOW);
   digitalWrite(gruen, LOW);
  • At the beginning of the loop()-function it is queried each time whether the button is pressed.
  • digitalRead(button) reads the current state of the button. If pressed, the function returns HIGH, otherwise LOW.
  • To check if the button was pressed digitalRead(button) has to be compared with HIGH. The comparison is done with two equals == (comparison operator). One equals= is an assignment, such as int red = 13.



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