The senseBox:edu Book

Here you will find all information you need to start with your own senseBox:edu.

About this Book

This book guides you through the construction of your own senseBox:edu. You will create your own environmental gauging station and you will learn a lot about sensors, programming and electrical engineering. Read the introduction carefully. It helps to understand how the book works.


This book is is for all people that like to puzzle and to do handicrafts. With this book you will understand the technology, hardware and software of the senseBox:edu. There are no limits to create your own applications and to write your own programs.

You get the senseBox:edu with a comprehensive set of sensors, LEDs, resistors, cables and more interesting components.

senseBox:edu can be used in schools, to help pupils understand informatics, physics and technique. But also, it can be used at home to do enviromental experiments.

This book will help you with your first steps with senseBox:edu. It declares the basis, shows you experiments which you can recreate and declares all components of senseBox:edu.

You can go through this book by using the left sidebar or by using the green arrow keys. Every „side“ has its own heading and below this heading it has a grey deposited box with green scripture, where you can find a short description about the given side.

This looks like this:


Here you will find a short description about what will happen on this side.

You will also get in contact with our four different info-boxes:
This Box shows you information for example links where you can find more information or background knowledge.
This box is a kind of checking list. All things you have to do are listed here. You can check if you did not forget anything.
This box gives you warning messages. It shows you where sources of error could be. There you should work with caution.
This Box shows mistakes. It tells you what to do if you get one of the error messages.

Furthermore there are paragraphs which are not shown directly. They include information that get more into detail. They are folded so that you get a better overview. If you want to see the information they have please click them. You will recognize these paragraphs by their grey box with green scripture. There is also an arrow that tells you if the paragraph is folded or not.

A hidden paragraph

Well done, you got it right! Click the green heading of this paragraph once again and I will disappear!

As a last important element that you should know before you can start with this book, we have so-called "tabs". You probably know it from your internet browser and if you are currently on the internet, you probably have several tabs open. Similar to the browser, we have tabs, but they are built inside the page. They help us to reduce what you see to what you really need. For example, if we describe a tutorial for installing a program, we do it for different operating systems (Windows, OSX (Mac), and Linux). Since you normally only work on one computer, only the operating system installed is of interest to you. Therefore, we integrate the installation instructions in three tabs. Each of these three tabs displays the appropriate operating system instructions. You choose the appropriate tab for your system and get only the appropriate instructions displayed. Just try it out and see what happens when you click the different tabs here.

First Tab

I am the first tab. I am opened already, when you load this page.

Second Tab

I am the second tab. By clicking me, you changed the content to the second tab.

Third Tab

I am the third tab. By clicking me, you changed the content to the third tab. Now, have some fun with your senseBox:edu book!

Have you seen all of the tabs and other elements? If so, you are now readz to start off with this book and your senseBox:edu!

Please read the chapter „First steps“ before you start with your own project.

Enjoy your experience with senseBox!

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